actual intent

英 [ˈæktʃuəl ɪnˈtent] 美 [ˈæktʃuəl ɪnˈtent]




  1. The given value must be used in the HTTP headers of the actual messages in order to signal the "intent" of the message.
  2. The difference of actual intent degree in criminal justice should be considered, for it is necessary to achieve justice precise.
  3. Actual deceit; concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent to cause injury to another.
  4. The malfunctional blow-by to the engine crankcase and its actual position can be diagnosed by using the technique with intent to improve the reliability of the locomotive diesel engine.
  5. The author provides that the subjective aspect of the crime includes not only actual intent but also indirect intent.
  6. Nominal deposit grows rapidly, but actual and intent deposit is not enough.
  7. The operation semantics carries the original design data and actual operation process to express design intent and operation activity in conventional CAD systems.
  8. The subjective aspect is the actual intent rather than the indirect intent. Such motive as seeking mental stimulation is not a subjective constituent element of the crime, which serves only as a discretion factor in convictions and sentencing.
  9. Punitive damages because the victim has a higher standard and actual damages attributable to the subjective intent of the subjective characteristics of both a compensation function, also has the function of sanctions and prevention.
  10. The subjective aspect of the crime can only be an actual intent.
  11. First reviewed the anticipatory breach of the origin, as well as system development, then the difference between the actual breach of anticipatory breach of the intent of the system settings.